Denys Boy

Belo Horizonte MG

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Summer is Coming

Autor(es): Denys Boy


Summer is Coming
Alternative  Pop Rock, Indie, 


Sun is rising high up there
Warmth is in the air
[Verse 2]
Days are stretching endless long
Everything feels like a song
Summer is coming feel the heat
Jump into the rhythm move your feet
Summer is coming can't you see
Fun and laughter so carefree
Ice cream melting in the sun
Every day's a chance for fun
Lying on the beach just be free
Sand and waves and you and me
Summer is coming feel the heat
Jump into the rhythm move your feet
Summer is coming can't you see
Fun and laughter so carefree

(solo de guitarra)

Lying on the beach just be free
Sand and waves and you and me
Summer is coming feel the heat
Jump into the rhythm move your feet
Summer is coming can't you see
Fun and laughter so carefree

( instrumentos)

Visualizações: 121


