Sid khardozzo khass


Todas as composições postadas nesse perfil, tem os direitos reservados a Sid khardozzo khass.
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Shut up!!, this is my turn

Autor(es): Sid khardozzo khass


its now or never.

this is my time.

I worked hard to get here.

This is my chance.

this is my life.

This is my turn.

it has to be now.

I tried.

and I tried.

I didn't get anything. 

It looked like it would never happen to me.

I say it's my turn, it's now or never for me.

it seemed like the end. 

But I was very quick.

all against me, 

all conspiring too.

I waited quietly.  

I held my anger.  

I got ready for the best time.

I prepared well

hold what comes now.

I crossed the ocean and almost died.

I rode on the shoulders of a hungry shark.

I drank salt water among big monters.

I have my horse, i have my sword.

Where are you now, who didn't believe me?

Bring your neck now, i'll hang it on a tree.

shut up! shut up! this is my rurn

shut up! shut up! this is my turn

Shut up! Shut up! This is my turn 

Shut up! Shut up! This is my turn 


Ilyric and song from Sid Khardozzo Khass

2020, 9 june

Visualizações: 708


