Sid khardozzo khass


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Autor(es): Sid khardozzo khass


Hey! How long have you heard that? Break it! Break the rules of the game. Safe? Not safe, breakdown again. Cut it! Cut off the monster's supply. Stop feeding the monster Stop feeding the monster When night falls you're hardly ever alone. So you close your eyes, and nightmare again. So you want the night to never come to you. Tell me how you are! Do you feel safe? Who do you really trust? Who can you embrace? You look to the side; evil has no face. "spook" in your dreams; Nightmare again. The man on the moon; don't tell me lies! One Indian on Mars; Nightmare again. One Chinese on the moon; Nightmare again. So get your vaccine; so get your placebo. So take your mask and stick it up your... Now So take your mask and stick it up your... Now. Tell me how you are! Do you feel safe? Who do you really trust? Who can you embrace? You look to the side; evil has no face. "spook" in your dreams; Nightmare again. The man on the moon; don't tell me lies! One Indian on Mars; Nightmare again. One Chinese on the moon; Nightmare again. So get your vaccine; so get your placebo. So take your mask and stick it up your... Now So take your mask and stick it up your... Now So take your weight and stick it up your... now! So take your weight and stick it up your... now. So take your drug and stick it up your... now! So take your drug and stick it up your... now. Lyrics and song by Sid Khardozzo Khass July 29, 2023
Visualizações: 81


