Sid khardozzo khass


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Letter from a dead man

Autor(es): Sid khardozzo khass


Letter from a dead man 

A wise man made a great decision and said: I want to get out of myself. 

I wanna see myself in the crowd. 

I wanna see evaluate my behavior. 

I wise man made a great decision and said:  I want to get out of myself. 

I wanna see myself in the crowd. 

I wanna see evaluate my behavior. 

I'll run away while there's time .

I'll run away while there's time. 

I'm running away is from myself. 

I'm running away is from myself. 

I'm hungry yeah, I'm thirsty too. 

I'm hungry yeah, I'm thirsty too. 

I'm going to climb that high mountain. 

I'm going to climb that high mountain. 

I need to feed on light. 

I need to feed on light. 

To once again come back to life.

To once again come back to life. 

Back from the mountain, what I see? 

Everyone is in the same place. 

All sleeping now that I came back?

Or all awake while that I'm dead? 

Back from the mountain what I see? 

Everyone is in the same place. 

All sleeping now that I came back? 

Or all awake while that I'm dead? 

I'm warning to you that things are confusing.

I'm warning to you that things are confusing. 

Because of all the lies that they told us. 

because of all the lies that they told us. 

I see we were thrown here again.

I see we were thrown here again. 

because of all the lies that they told us. 

Because of all the lies that they told us. 

Where is the man who climbed alone the mountain? 

Where is the man who climbed alone the mountain? 

And came back talking many things? 

And came back talking many things? 

I am the man who climbed freely the mountain. 

I am the man who climbed freely the mountain. 

And came back thinking I was dead. 

And came back thinking I was dead. 


Visualizações: 977


