Sid khardozzo khass


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I should stay and let you go

Autor(es): Sid khardozzo khass


Do you remember the last time we fought and then came back stronger?


You really have a very strong genius; you need to hold your emotions, girl.


You always do “that” scene in your game; and now you’re angry, talking fast




Speak more slowly, please; you should try to calm down.


You were always too rushed; but you not going anywhere.


You once again look indecisive; I should stay and let you go.


You sometimes look confused; but i know you want to stay.


This is good, this is good; I should stay and let you go.


This is good, this is good; I should be watching you.

This is good, this is good; I should stay and let you go.


This is good, this is good; I should be watching you.


You are like a spoiled girl who goes and then comes back.


You are a difficult woman; but I let you win sometimes.


You make me tired sometimes; I should stay and let you go.


You are a very noisy woman; you woke up all the neighbors.


This is good, this is good; I should stay and let you go.


This is good, this is good; I should be watching you.

This is good, this is good; I should stay and let you go.


This is good, this is good; I should be watching you.


Lyrics and song from Sid Khardozzo Khass


2021, 17 June

Visualizações: 539


