Sid khardozzo khass


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hello girl

Autor(es): Sid khardozzo khass


I like the way you walk girl.

It's seems like you're showing up girl.

I know that want me impress girl.

I think all this very beautiful girl.

I waited a long time, you believe?

So I want to look into your eyes.

Your smile says many things girl.

My heart has a plan for you girl.


When I say hello to you, don't tell me your name girl.

I know let's dance under the stars.

All stars sing your name loudly.

All stars are looking for you, Óh darling!

Do you feel that everything, everything is flowing girl?

With all the colors like in a dream.

Forever up there with the stars, Óh babe!

All stars will sing your name.

When I hear your name girl, I'll say hello, hello girl, come on, let's dance under the stars.

Forever up there with the stars, Óh babe!


I like the way you walk girl.

It's seems like you're showing up girl.

I know that want me impress girl.

I think all this very beautiful girl.

I waited a long time, you believe?

So I want to look into your eyes.

Your smile says many things girl.

My heart has a plan for you girl.


When I say hello to you,

don't tell me your name girl.

I know let's dance under the stars.

All stars sing your name loudly.

All stars are looking for you, Óh darling!


Do you feel that everything, everything is flowing girl?

With all the colors like in a dream.

Forever up there with the stars, Óh babe!

All stars will sing your name.

When I hear your name girl,

I'll say hello, hello girl, come on, let's dance under the stars.

Forever up there with the stars, Óh babe!


I like the way you dance girl.

When I hear your name, Óh sweet girl!

I'll say hello, hello, hello girl.

Come on, let's dance under the stars.

I'll say hello, hello, hello girl.

Come on, let's dance under the stars.


Lyrics  and song from Sid Khardozzo Khass

2018, 8 may

Visualizações: 756


