Sid khardozzo khass


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bad days

Autor(es): Sid khardozzo khass


Come on, come on babe, honey run go home; There's a storm; like a wind of death. Does death blow? Does death have a name? Where does the sunrise? does this come from the Asian side? Maybe it's just a lie; since when do lies kill? Anyway we know that the days remain bad. Who kisses you? Who comes close to you? Nobody hugs; this is a bad day. A strange day, a very dark year. I see it like that; and how do you see? I need to say: this is a bad day I need to say: this is a bad day . Silence in the streets; lies in the News. People swallowing lies and people dying too. Some people smiling; this is very insane. Nobody tells what's going on; but it's just a lie. Anyway we know that the days remain bad. Who kisses you? Who comes close to you? Nobody hugs; this is a bad day. A strange day, a very dark year. I see it like that; and how do you see? Then Asia blew her wind, like a wind of death. Causing the fear in the weak; killing the hope of the poor. Will man learn, before his soul burns? He makes a war; just a matter of vanity. Who blew the lie? and, who created the virus? Who spread the fear? Who made money so easy? Every man is greedy; every man is dead too. Lay down on the money and get a ticket to hell. When the storm passes it will take the bad days. And these are bad days, but it is not the end yet. Every man lies; every man is dead too. He's like a "puppet"; one house for "disembodied" Every man dies; every man is dead too. Until light comes, but only if light comes. Every man lies; every man is dead too. He's like a "puppet"; one house for "disembodied" Every man dies; every man is dead too. Until light comes, but only if light comes. Every man lies; every man is dead too. He's like a "puppet"; one house for "disembodied" Every man dies; every man is dead too. Until light comes, but only if light comes. Every man lies; every man is dead too. He's like a "puppet"; one house for "disembodied" Every man dies; every man is dead too. Until the Light comes, but only if the Light comes. Lyrics and song by Sid Khardozzo Khass April 10, 2020
Visualizações: 122


